Interior Glass & Glazing - Glass Partitions - Glass Doors - Frameless Glass Doors - Smoke Rated Glass Doors - Fire Rated Glass Doors - Mirrors.



Product <strong>Information</strong>

Interior Glass & Glazing

Interior glazing refers to the process of installing glass in windows or walls. Glazing is available in a few different options. The glass itself can be tempered, laminated, low iron, or LCD.

Frameless Glass Doors

The frameless glass partition is a modern substitute for the conventional drywall structure. In small spaces, the glass wall is indispensable for creating the maximum opening in the limited area.

Frameless Glass Doors

Fire Rated Glass Doors

Fire-rated glass, on the other hand, is specially manufactured to be able to withstand high heat. These materials hold up in temperatures above 1500 °F, making for a highly reliable fire barrier that can prevent the spread of flames, fire, smoke, and extreme radiant and conductive heat.

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