CES Gruppe


Brand <strong>Information</strong>

The location at Velbert

Our headquarters

CES is a family-owned company which is strongly rooted in the Velbert region in Germany. Our roots are reflected in the extensive investments made into our headquarters.

These comprise not only the continuous professional development and vocational training of our staff to secure their jobs in the long run, but also the development of powerful machines and effective production methods.

Our team

Our success

Around 430 staff work at CES. Of them, around 370 are working at our headquarters in Velbert.

Each year we recruit several apprentices and one student who are doing a combined vocational training and university study.Having completed their vocational training and study courses, chances are good for them to get a secure job in our company. We regularly recruit new employees also for other departments.

Branch offices

Growing exports

CES has foreign branch offices in the Netherlands, France and Romania.In Great Britain, our products are supplied by CES Security Solutions Ltd.

In addition, we are represented by numerous partner companies. Next to Europe, our sales focus is on the Arab region, Asia and the USA.


Electronic locking systems

The CEStronics category brand stands for the electronic locking systems designed by CES. The electronic cylinders and electronic handle sets are compatible with the transponder systems LEGIC and MIFARE. They are easily mounted and programmed. Access to every door can be controlled in an efficient way.


Mechanical locking systems

CEScylinder stands for the manufacturing of mechanical locking cylinders. We are specialised in highly-complex locking systems which, as an example, are installed in the buildings of the Federal Government in Berlin, in football stadiums, hospitals and municipal buildings. And there is another specialty: we produce master key systems with up to 100 cylinders within 48 hours.



Mortise locks

The CESlocks product range is small but nice. We focus on high-quality locks for functional doors and mortise locks for special applications, and we develop flexible modular solutions which reduce considerably the number of different lock variants needed to be on stock.


Corporate guidelines

The basis of our corporate activity

CES is one of the leading manufacturers of locking systems and electronic access control systems. Continuing our long tradition into the future, we want to provide generations to come with high-quality and innovative security systems which offer a reliable and convenient protection to both people and their valuables.

Being an independent, family-owned enterprise, we are committed to maintaining reliable and sustainable relations with our business partners. However, to achieve this goal, lasting financial independence is required. To maintain this independence as a supplier of innovative developments in the long run, we endeavour to achieve a return on sales of 10% with continuous growth.

CES acknowledges its responsibility to the owner family, the employees at all locations, the social environment and the region of Velbert/Niederberg in Germany. Compliance with legal obligations and official requirements is a matter of course in our daily dealings.


CES Foundation

Carl Eduard Schulte Foundation

On the occasion of its 150th anniversary, CES established the non-profit Carl Eduard Schulte Foundation in July 1990 which focuses on the promotion of excellent young engineering and scientific professionals.
To today, 78 award winners have been honoured and received around 140,000 Euro prize money..

CES Art Award

On the occasion of its 175th anniversary

“Locking, safeguarding, keys and locks”: the 175th anniversary was cause for CES to start an exceptional art project.
Students of the University of Arts in Social Contexts in Ottersberg, Germany, designed pictures, videos and installations dealing with our core subjects in an eight-month project.



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