


Brand <strong>Information</strong>

BBC Cellpack Electrical Products - Ihr internationaler Experte rund um Kabelverbindungssysteme und Zubehör für Nieder- und Mittelspannung

Cable Connecting Systems for Low and Medium Voltage Systems

Specialists in Cable Connecting Systems for Low and Medium Voltages

For more than 50 years, and right up to the present day, BBC Cellpack has produced only one thing: cable connection systems and accessories for low and medium voltage. This has given us a unique know-how, covering the entire range from preparation of raw materials, specification of cast resins and gels, creating the formulas for the plastics, to installation and packaging of our cable accessories.

Cable Accessories for Low and Medium Voltage Systems

Tradition and the Power of Innovation – this defines the high-quality product portfolio from BBC Cellpack Electrical Products. Ensuring the supply performance in the distribution network takes priority in all our developments. The special system solutions and products that have been developed by BBC Cellpack for this complex and demanding application contribute significantly to ensuring its performance.

The comprehensive portfolio includes a finely tuned product range of cable connecting systems in heat shrink-, cast resin- and gel variants as well as cable accessories, plugs and pot-end joints from Compax-, Cellplux-, Contrax- and Hybrid technologies for screened or unscreened polymeric cables as well as paper-insulated cables.

Electrical-, insulating- and mounting tapes as well as accessory products such as cleaning- and protective sprays, useful tools for connecting and branching of low and medium voltage cables round off the portfolio.


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