Brand <strong>Information</strong>
Al – Khalefah Factory For Metal Industries is one of the pioneers
and market leader in the metal industry in KSA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia).
Al-Khalefah is a 100% owned Saudi Factory established in 1994, and invested in the field of metal products which cover a wide range of products and applications with the best quality and competitive pricing as its number one objective.
Factory Products & Services:
Al-Khalefah Factory products / services are now distributed in most parts of the Saudi Arabia which can be divided in the four major families:
- Products
- ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch)
- LV (Low Voltage Distribution Panel)
- LV Cabinet for Pole Mounted Transformer (PMT)
- Motor Control Center (MCC)
- Load Center (Classic)
- Load Center (Crux)
- Circuit Breaker
- Current Transformer (CT)
- NH2 Fuse
- Cable Lugs
- Enclosed Circuit Breaker
- Telecom Enclosure
- Red Rubber Hose Reel
- Synthetic Hose Reel
- Foam Box
- Fire Cabinet Double Doors - Full MS - IW
- Fire Cabinet Double Doors - Full MS - OW
- Fire Cabinet Double Doors - HLF, MF - IW
- Fire Cabinet Double Doors - HLF, MF - OW
- Fire Cabinet Double Doors - WF - IW
- Fire Cabinet Single Door - Full MS - IW
- Fire Cabinet Single Door - Full MS - OW
- Fire Cabinet Single Door - HLF, MF - IW
- Fire Cabinet Single Door - HLF, MF - OW
- Fire Cabinet Single Door - WF - IW
- Fire Cab. SD - Syn. Hose Reel - MS, HLF, MF - IW
- Fire Cab. SD - Syn. Hose Reel - MS, HLF, MF - OW
- Fire Extinguisher Cab. - MS, HLF, MF - IW
- Fire Extinguisher Cab. - MS, HLF, MF - OW
- Fire Hydrant Cabinet Big Size - MS, HLF, MF
- Fire Hydrant Cabinet - MS, HLF, MF
- Fire Pump - Electrical, Diesel, & Jockey+
- Fire Pump - Electrical, & Jockey
- Fire Pump - Diesel, & Jockey
- Fire Pump - Jockey
- Fire Pump - Electrical
- Fire Pump - Diesel
- Fire Exit Single Door
- Fire Exit Double Doors
- Dry Chemical Powder (DCP) Fire Extinguisher
- 6 Kg Dry Chemical Powder (DCP) Fire Extinguisher
- Carbon Dioxide (Co2) Fire Extinguishers
- Hexagon Head Bolts
- Hex Stlotted Head Bolts - Metric Pitch
- Slotted Cheese Hea
- Machine Screw: Slotted Pan Head Screws
- Machine Screw: Slotted Countersunk Head Screws
- MS: Flat Head Phillips Countersunk Screws
- MS: Cheese Head Phillips Screws
- Hex Nuts
- Plain Washers
- Services
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