Brand <strong>Information</strong>
Sofamel S.L. is a Spanish company dedicated to the production of electrical material
of connection, as well as safety and electric protection material
Sofamel’s main objective has been to reach a high degree of specialization with the aim of providing a global solution for our clients. The same backed up by strict quality standards and by important investments in machinery and design for the manufacturing of all those products that our factory produces. This has allowed us to offer one of the most extensive ranges of articles that exists on the market.
Our commitment with excellent quality work allows our company to own the quality management system certificate under standard UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 and R+D+i certificate under standard UNE 166002:2006, both duly granted by the Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR).
1.To conduct our business with integrity, participation and determination
To have an open and honest team. To manage the Company by encouraging individual creativity and initiative to satisfy all of our commitments.
2.To involve and guarantee our team
To promote information and training of the workforce so that it is involved in the maintenance and improvement of the Integrated Management System, and get a true Culture of Quality, Prevention and Environmental respect.
3.To link our suppliers
To make sure our main suppliers continue to be involved in corporate projects, while extending opportunities to new collaborators to enable us to achieve our aims.
4.To constantly review and improve our system
To continually adapt our Integrated Management System to the company needs, our local offices and distributors, to current legislation and to opportunities for improvement.
5.To bet on R+D+I as an essential activity
To stand out in our market, especially in the international market.
6.To comply with the taken on requirements and legislation
To comply with all of the requirements that the organisation subscribes to, as well as all applicable legislation, particularly that relating to occupational risk prevention and environment.
Our principles, in which we trust, are the philosophal stone
that brought Sofamel to be one of the top leader manufacturers
all over the worl in Safety and Connection material.
Such ideas and feelings inspire a special business manner.
The R & D department of Sofamel
always in constant evolution
The SOFAMEL laboratory offers its clients the possibility of providing fast response to growing demands in relation to performing tests and developing new products. The investment policy for new equipment, technically qualified personnel and calibrations grants us autonomy and dynamism in order to meet our clients’ requirements.
In addition, our R&D+i process Management system is certified by AENOR, based on the UNE 166002 standard.
1.Test for verifying dielectric rigidity of an insulating element
Which is part of some of our products. Thanks to this, we can determine, for example: the test voltage, working voltage, perforation voltage, test for checking the ground leakage, etc…
We check the insulating characteristics of products such as: dielectric carpets, benches, vinyl materials, insulating poles, gloves, etc… All of which are essential products for guaranteeing the worker’s protection during tasks involving electric hazards.
2.Electric resistance check tests
For example to verify correct assembly and good state of preservation of the Earthed and short-circuit equipment units.
3.Electric ageing test on connection products
By means of automated heating/cooling circuit, based on IEC 61238 standard.
4.Resistance test for detecting deterioration and corrosion in SALINE MIST
Useful for assessing the quality and uniformity of protection coverings.
5.Resistance test for detecting resistance to fire and smoke emission of materials with flame retardant elements
Called Glow wire test.
6.Tests for determining voltage thresholds in our Voltage Detectors
Thanks to our High voltage transformer.
7.Mechanical traction/compression tests
Using our horizontal Dynamometer for determining breaking loads, elongation, deformation levels, etc… of materials.
8.Load bearing and stability capacity tests
For examples in insulating Benches.
9.Flexion and torsion tests on insulating poles
10.Glove re-testing cabin
For performing all of these tests and other specific ones which our clients may requires, as well as for developing new products, we have equipment such as:
- Dielectric rigidity testers
- High voltage transformer
- Saline mist chamber
- Horizontal dynamometer
- Dynamometric keys
- Oscilloscopes
- Equipment for Glow Wire Test
- Equipment for simulating thermal ageing of connections
- Resistance Tester for Earthed Equipment
- Fatigue Tester for Earthed Equipment.
- As well as specific computer programmes for 3D design for developing new products
which constantly innovate in the field of electrical and connection-related safety.
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