What is administrative organization and what are its advantages?
As a result of the crowding of work in various work organizations, resorting to administrative organization has become an urgent need to control matters and control work within the institution.
It is not possible for modern managers to succeed in achieving the goals of their institutions except by laying foundations for administrative organization whose concepts are derived from modern management theories. Through administrative organization, precisely defined goals and strategies are achieved with the least time and effort and helps to make the right decisions, and the organization becomes ready to deal with external fluctuations that directly affect the work and also helps reduce the problems resulting from chaos and randomness.
What is administrative organization and what are its advantages?
Management Organizing is the second of the five administrative processes after management planning, and it is also called the organizational function. Administrative organization is one of the guiding processes for organizing resources at work efficiently, aiming directly at directing the human element to carry out administrative tasks in order to achieve the desired results and goals in the least time and the least possible efforts, and at low costs. “Management sets the goal and also strives to achieve it.”
Types of Administrative Organization:
There are many types of administrative organizations that will achieve the goals of the institution and raise it to the highest ranks.
Including formal and informal organization.
Formal organization
It is that organization that studies the organizational process formally and is represented in the study of the formal form of the organization represented by organizational charts and the relationship of departments to each other. This type of organization is subject to the approved laws, regulations and laws.
informal organization
This type is flexible as it is not subject to official laws, regulations and regulations like the first type, but is affected by these laws and the environment in which it operates. Such as meeting employees at rest time and talking to them in a friendly manner away from formalities, which makes the management fully aware of the affairs of employees and their psychology, and then studying the impact of these factors on their performance at work.
It is worth mentioning that institutions or companies must balance between formal and informal regulation, so that one type does not dominate over another.
And at the same time, be keen to pay attention to both species to ensure their success in the assigned tasks.
Advantages of administrative organization
There are many advantages that accrue to the organization when carrying out proper administrative organization, among which are the following:
It reduces the severity of problems resulting from chaos and randomness, as well as prevents overlap in departments, as it organizes the agenda for administrators and employees and gives them enough time to plan.
It invests the material and human energies owned by the institution and makes full use of it.
The organization helps to achieve all the goals of the institutions or individuals in the exact time specified, we do not find successful unless he was keen on time and managing it well.
It reduces the average costs and reduces the time and effort in terms of helping the organization take advantage of managing the time consumed to perform tasks and organizing it that provides carrying out several tasks, as well as reducing the crises faced by the organization and thus reducing the rate of costs.
Making sound decisions and reducing the possibility of failure, which means maintaining the prestige and prestige of the institution and saving it from confusion.
Forms of administrative organizational structures
The organizational structure is a set of organizational relationships determined by the work map, which in turn determines the lines of authority and responsibility, and also shows the coordination processes that take place between the various activities. There are several forms, such as:
- Simple Structure: This type is used in small businesses.
- Functional or matrix structures: This type includes finance, marketing, human resources, production and research and development departments.
- Standalone Unit Structures: This type is used in semi-autonomous companies.
There are many principles and foundations upon which good administrative organization is based, which are:
1. The principle of division of labor
Here the work is divided by the number of employees so that each of them becomes entrusted with a job.
2. The principle of unity of purpose
Organizing is the only way to achieve goals. No institutions or organizations organize until after setting clear and firm goals to strive for.
3. Function principle
Where any organization must do the administrative organization on the basis of the job and not according to the employees, it is fixed and does not change.
4. The principle of unity of the presidency
It is for the employee to have one manager through whom he receives orders and instructions, and he is the supervisor of his work, and the employee should not be responsible by a number of superiors so as not to generate chaos between superiors and employees and generate chaos and friction between managers and subordinates.
5. Supervision principle
This principle is concerned with the number of subordinates the manager can supervise and follow up on.
And attention must be paid to both the number, the geographical scope, and the manager's ability.
6. The principle of short line power
Authority is the powers granted to the administrative manager or employees, and allows him to direct instructions and orders and make decisions within his limits.
The principle of shortening the power line is based on reducing the distances in a pyramidal triangle; The fewer the distances between the manager and the employees, the more effective management becomes.
7. The principle of equal responsibility with authority
This basis is concerned with the equality of the delegated authority with the responsibilities borne by the manager, and that there is a balance between them so that the employee can perform his work efficiently.
Finally: Administrative organization is the most important major administrative process that must be present in all successful organizations.
Where it works to support the administrative and technical processes concerned with the investment of both types of resources; Either material or human resources. Which achieves the goals that the institution aspires to.
The institution will not become successful and achieve its objectives only through administrative organization.

Walaa Hasan
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