Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization SASO

Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization SASO


Approval <strong>Information</strong>

​SASO's tasks:

  • Developing and approving Saudi standard for goods, products, services, measuring and calibration devices.
  • Issuing regulations for conformity assessment, certification activities, etc.
  • Applying the National System of Metrology and Calibration in the Kingdom.
  • Ensuring the applying of mandatory Saudi standards (Technical Regulations) and conformity assessment procedures, in conjunction with relevant authorities.
  • Joining regional and international organizations related with standards, metrology, calibration, and quality and represent the Kingdom therein

SASO's objectives:

  • ​​Issuing Saudi standards, quality regulations and guides, and conformity assessment that are consistent with international standards and guides as well as meeting the requirements of the World Trade Organization agreement in this scope in line with Islamic Sharia and in the interests of the Kingdom.
  • Providing environmental and health protection and general safety by ensuring that products comply with the standards approved by SASO.
  • Ensuring the national products quality by approving suitable Saudi standard that enables national products to compete in the domestic and international markets in addition to protecting the Kingdom's markets from counterfeit goods.




​​An internationally reliable entity that empowers the life quality and the ​national economy competitiveness.


Being unique in developing standards, conformity, and metrology, and promoting product safety in the Kingdom.​


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