


Approval <strong>Information</strong>

It is my honor to lead Marafiq‭, ‬and to set its ambitious sails in the exploration of new territories and to develop a world-class culture of sustainability within Marafiq‭.


Marafiq’s core objective is to provide integrated utility services that meet the requirements of its growing customers within the industrial and residential cities of Saudi Arabia‭. ‬Sustainability of the water and power sector along with vital infrastructure investments are fundamental in supporting the Kingdom’s 2030‭ ‬Vision goals‭. ‬Marafiq considers the privatization initiative in Saudi Arabia as a strategic growth opportunity to contribute to its water and cogeneration utility services portfolio‭. ‬Within this growth strategy‭, ‬Marafiq aims to participate as a significant project developer in both regulated and non-regulated projects‭.‬


Marafiq has several large-scale projects that are underway‭, ‬such as the expansion of Marafiq’s Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant 8‭ ‬which will provide an additional capacity of 125,000‭ ‬m3‭/‬day in Jubail Industrial City‭.‬‭ ‬Marafiq is also focusing on another privatization initiative which is building an Independent Sewage Treatment Plant‭ (‬ISTP‭) ‬near Jeddah Airport 2‭ ‬which will have a capacity of 300,000‭ ‬m3‭/‬day‭. ‬Marafiq is also in the process of conducting a feasibility study in Yanbu Industrial City for a Solar PV-based Power Plant‭, ‬which aims to deliver a capacity between 200‭ ‬to 400‭ ‬Mega Watt peak‭ ‬‭(‬MWp‭).


Marafiq seeks to add more strategic value to the national economy and to further develop its in-country value‭. ‬Marafiq has an excellent reputation as a responsible corporate citizen and will find more innovative ways to extend its corporate social responsibility initiatives and build trusted relationships with all of its stakeholders‭, ‬especially the industrial‭, ‬commercial‭, ‬and residential communities in which it operates‭.


At the heart of Marafiq is its most valuable asset‭, ‬its people‭. ‬One of Marafiq’s strengths is its resilience which cannot be realized without the commitment of its people‭. ‬To take Marafiq into the future‭, ‬it‭ ‬will focus on up-skilling and developing all of its staff’s competencies through various training activities to meet its strategic business goals‭.



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